Monday, June 29, 2009

One Year Old!

The back of Elias' new baseball glove chair. Thanks Aunt Mary & Uncle Thomas!

Elias loves his new dump truck! Thanks Nana and Grandaddy!

Elias new big boy backpack. Thanks Grammy and PopPop!

Opening presents.

Puppy Birthday cake made by me (Tara) and my mom.

Elias is one! WOW! Time has flown by. Our precious little bitty boy is now a big (well not so big) one year old. This has been a great year! Elias has grown and learned so much. Here are his recent stats:
Weight: 20lbs 12oz (25%)
Height: 30inches (55%)
Head: 44.9 (11%)
He had a wonderful birthday! We celebrated with family and friends at Grammy and PopPop's house. We did a puppy theme. Elias loves dogs. He was a little cranky that day, but still had fun and enjoyed himself. The boy is like his mom, he loves cake. Here are a few pictures from all of the fun.
Elias is still not walking yet, but we know when he does it wont be long before he is off and running. He has one lonely little tooth and a new one on the way. We don't have any pictures of that because it is still too small to see in pictures. He is learning new things every day. Just last week he started to play a little game where he popped up from behind the coffee table and would laugh at us. It was too cute! Hope you enjoy these recent pictures.

1 comment:

Rachel said...

That cake is so cute! You should start selling them! Did you save me a piece?

Happy Birthday big boy! Be thankful for an after one walker. You know both K and B were late walkers and I didn't mind one bit. Now watch Judah start walking at like 6 thank you!