Thursday, March 20, 2008

Pregnant pictures of Tara

Due to request here are some pictures of Tara. Isn't she a beautiful pregnant woman?

Saturday, March 01, 2008

Elias' new pics

We went to get a 3D sonogram done on Friday and got to see our little boy. This technology is so amazing, getting to see him like this before he is born. As we sat there and watched our boy in real time moving around, even appearing to smile at times, the thought kept coming to us about how great our God is. What an amazing God who creates life, ordains its time, and fashions it according to His plan. As we watched our boy, who is a part of us, we stood in awe of our Creator who we owe our life to. What an amazing miracle our boy is, and what a great God we serve.
Here are some of the best pictures we got. One of them is one where he appears to be smiling. Vote on who he looks like.