Saturday, July 26, 2008

Elias is growing so fast!

Last Sunday our little boy turned one month old. We can hardly believe that he is already a month old. We took him to the doctor for his check up on Monday. He weighed 9lbs. 14.4oz. and was 22 1/4 in. long. (He was also weighed on Thursday and was 10lbs. 2oz.) He also has a few new tricks. He can hold is head up very well during tummy time and loves to look at his "friends" (toys). He has also given us his first smiles and coos. What joy that brings to our hearts. He loves for us to talk to him and it is just precious when he tries to talk back. He enjoys his bath time now that he can have a real bath and not just a sponge bath. We are so thankful for the blessing that he is in our lives and are grateful to the Lord for giving us such a precious gift.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Elias pics

Some new pics of Elias.

Family photos

Here are some pictures of our family. Matthew's sister Mary, her husband Thomas, and little girl Aubrey visited and we got some pics.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Elias pics

Here are some new pictures of Elias. He is now 8lbs, 11oz. and 3 weeks old, so he is growing every day.