Sunday, November 23, 2008

Elias and the napkins!

Last week I was cooking dinner while waiting for Matthew to come home from work. Because it is usally later Elias is a little fussy. I usually put him in his Bumbo seat and let him help me cook(Well at least hold a spatula or something). This time instead of putting him on the counter, I put him on the table. Here is what took place....
Humm...What are these?

Lets see what they are all about.

I wonder what they taste like?

Ewww! Yuck!

That was fun! Look at the mess I made. Anyone need a napkin?

Friday, November 07, 2008

Our Cute Little Man!

Our little baseball player on Halloween!

Sitting in his seat at dinner with us, even though he doesn't get to eat.

Too Cute!

Helping mommy get the clothes out of the dryer.

Elias is sooo cute! Of course we can say that because he is ours, but once you take a look at these new pics I think you will agree. He is growing so fast these days. Sometimes when he wakes up in the morning (by the way he sleeps from 8pm-7am Praise the Lord!) I swear he has grown in some way. I don't know if these pictures show it, but his hair is growing too. It is very light blonde, all except the patch of brown in the back. He likes to roll over, but only when he is in his bed. We haven't quite figured that out. He also likes to attempt to sit up and play with toys. He is so much fun especially when he laughs. It just melts our hearts. I would say (Tara) my favorite thing is to watch him when he is with Matthew. He absolutley loves his daddy! It is too cute. Well we just wanted to give you a quick little update. Enjoy the new pics of Elias having fun!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

4 Months Old!

Our little Elias is now 4 months old! Time has flown by so fast. We were just looking at pictures of him the other day and were noticing how much he has changed. We went to the doctor this morning and here are the recent stats:

Weight: 14lbs 2oz

Height: 25 3/4in

Head: 40.5 cm

Doctor Hamp said that he is doing wonderful! He even said that our little man was smart. I am sure he says that to a lot of parents, however, he said it because of what Elias did. He was trying to look in his ears and Elias was trying to push the thing out of his hand and then when he went to the other ear Elias tried to cover up his ear. It was cute to see. His reflux medicine is working great it just seems our next big obsticle would be Elias sleeping through the night. The doctor said that he should be able to sleep all night without being fed. So we are in for a few rough nights as we teach him how to do this. Our son is already playing us and we don't want to give in to him.

In other news Elias is so much fun! He loves to play and his new favorite thing is blowing rasperries. Here are a few new pics of him in his new seat. Thanks Nana and Grandaddy!

Thursday, September 25, 2008

3 Months Old!

Elias turned 3 months old last Saturday. We can not believe how much our little boy has grown and changed. He went to the doctor for reflux a few weeks ago and weighed in at a whopping 12 lbs 14 oz. He is so much fun. He loves to smile and talk to us very loudly. I wonder which parent he got that from? He has given us a few little giggles when he thinks we are being silly. Overall we are trying to say that our son is amazing! We hope you enjoy a few of his three month pictures that his Grammy took.
Our big three month old is also about to embark on the world of air travel. We will leave for Georgia tomorrow morning for Aubrey's Birthday, and then leave next Thursday for Michigan for my cousin Jenn's wedding. Our little man is going to be an old pro at flying by the time he is one. Please say a pray that he travels well. We don't want to be the people on the plane with the screaming baby that no one wants to sit near.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Fun at the Park!

Matthew is off work on Tuesdays, so we took advantage of this and went to the Rolesville Park for the afternoon (well really just an hour, Elias needed a nap). We had a great time! We went for a short walk on the trail, played on the playground, and even practiced some calisthenics. Here
are a few pictures of our family fun. Isn't Elias soooo cute!

Thursday, September 04, 2008

This is how Elias rolls

Here is a video of Elias that we made. We found out that he could do this the other day and wanted to share it with those that are interested.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

2 Months Old!

We can't believe that our little boy is two months old! It is amazing how quickly he is growing. We took him for his two month check up on Thursday.

Here are his recent stats:
weight = 11 lbs 13.4oz (55%)
height = 23 1/2 in (75%)
head = 38 cm (15%)

The doctor said that he is growing wonderfully and doing well. We did find out that our little man has a small case of reflux. Bless his heart he has to take Mylanta like an old man. Hopefully it will work well and give him some relief. He still loves to smile and coo. He plays with his "friends" and now talks to them too. He has found his hands and feet, and is fascinated by them as well as other peoples hands. I think he spent a good 10 min looking and talking to his Grammy's hand yesterday. It was too cute. We hope you enjoy this new picture of our big two month old. We are still amazed daily that the Lord has given us such a blessing in giving us our son. It makes us realize even more the sacrifice that was made on Calvary, when God sent his son to be the one and only sacrifice for our sins. For this we are grateful!

Friday, August 01, 2008

Elias' smile

Here is a picture of how Elias is smiling. It is a very open-mouthed smile, and we definitely prefer and look forward to it anytime. Some other pics as well of Elias after his bath.



Elias' growth

Here is a comparison picture that shows a little of how big Elias is getting. Brody is as big and goofy as ever.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Elias is growing so fast!

Last Sunday our little boy turned one month old. We can hardly believe that he is already a month old. We took him to the doctor for his check up on Monday. He weighed 9lbs. 14.4oz. and was 22 1/4 in. long. (He was also weighed on Thursday and was 10lbs. 2oz.) He also has a few new tricks. He can hold is head up very well during tummy time and loves to look at his "friends" (toys). He has also given us his first smiles and coos. What joy that brings to our hearts. He loves for us to talk to him and it is just precious when he tries to talk back. He enjoys his bath time now that he can have a real bath and not just a sponge bath. We are so thankful for the blessing that he is in our lives and are grateful to the Lord for giving us such a precious gift.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Elias pics

Some new pics of Elias.

Family photos

Here are some pictures of our family. Matthew's sister Mary, her husband Thomas, and little girl Aubrey visited and we got some pics.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Elias pics

Here are some new pictures of Elias. He is now 8lbs, 11oz. and 3 weeks old, so he is growing every day.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Elias and the bearded dog

The bearded dog seems to like him pretty good. He has a few issues and knows that somethings new, but he likes to sniff his head and whine when he cries.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Our little ballplayer

Can't start them too early right?

Elias pics

Elias and his grandparents

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Elias Howell Thomas

Elias is here!! From the last post you know that the plan from Thursday's appointment was to induce on Tuesday. Well he had other plans and decided to come that night. Both mom and baby are doing well. He was born on 6/20/08 at 5:35pm and weighed 7lbs, 13oz and was 21 inches long. Thank you all for your prayers, and Elias looks forward to meeting everyone!

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Elias here soon????

Tara went to the doctor today, and again not much has changed from the last visit. But finally the doctor's have implemented a plan to get this boy out. He's stubborn, but he will soon realize he's not in control. A good lesson for everyone to learn. The plan is to see if he hopefully comes on his own this weekend, and if not, to be brought in Tuesday night to induce labor Wednesday morning. We are thankful again to get a good report healthwise, but it is good to know that action is going to be taken as these past few weeks have been difficult. Please pray that Elias will come on his own, as that is always preferable, but if not that Wednesday will go well, that the Lord will show grace during the labor process, and that He will watch over both Tara and Elias with good health. Our next post will probably include some pictures of our new little guy, and we are excited to welcome him into the world.

Friday, June 13, 2008

Not Here Yet

Hello everyone! Being that Friday was Elias' due date, we would have liked to post a picture of all three of us , however, this little boy is just not ready to come yet. I went to the doctor on Thursday expecting exciting news. They said that I am 25% effaced and only 1 cm. dialated. He is head down, but not engaged, which means he is still just floating in there. We were glad to hear that his heart rate is great and that he is doing just fine. We hope that in a few days we will be able to tell you that he is here, but for now we covet your prayers for patience as we await the Lords timing for this little one.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Thomas Family Update

My mom took some pictures of our family on Mothers Day. Here is one of the three of us. I'm not so sure this one shows how big Elias has gotten, but trust me he is much bigger. We are almost four weeks away from Elias' due date. We can't wait for him to get here! We have had a few showers and are feeling as prepared as you can for a newborn. We are so thankful for the many blessings we have recieved from friends and family. Please pray for patience as we get closer and closer to our little mans birth. We can't wait to have him here in our arms. We hope he comes soon as long as he is healthy. Vote on when you think he will be born.